Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Roadtrip a la Tejas!

Sunday I had to leave Houston to drive back to Dallas to work during the week. I made some pretty lofty plans for my little road trip. Sunday I was in Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Dallas...all in one day!! I woke up Sunday morning after spending the night with Cargill and Ruffino and drove up to the hospital to see Lindsay and Ainsely one more time then got on the road about 10:30. I drove to San Antonio to visit Christina and meet baby Davis!! I am so happy that I got to see Tina and meet Davis while he is still a precious newborn!! He is only 3 weeks old and his mama looks great! It was so nice to catch up for a bit, although I was sad it had to be so short, but I had a lot of driving left to do!

Me, Davis and Tina!

I stopped off in Austin on the way to visit my aunt and uncle and was surprised by getting to see my two cousins as well! My Aunt KK had shoulder surgery last week so I wanted to stop by and see how she was doing and get a chance to catch up with every one while I was in the states! After I left Austin I was in a mad dash to make it to Dallas for the Blue October concert at the House of Blues! I made it with about 10 minutes to spare, safe and sound and no speeding tickets! It was a long day, but I was so glad to see my family and friends and I had plenty of time to enjoy a Butterfinger Blizzard and a Coke Slurpee along the way!!

****I just posted a ton of blog entries so scroll down to see what I have been up to since I got back to Texas last week!

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