Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Anyone out there

I know I have sorely neglected the 3 people who read my blog.  I apologize. New year, new start. Right?  Getting back to blogging was one my list of new years resolutions, but I just put it on the list, right now.  There's no official deadline for resolutions is there?  Anyways, the resolutions that WERE on my list are as follows

1. Learn Spanish - I've had the full set of Spanish Rosetta Stone's sitting in my house for about, oh, 6 months.  They are still in the shrink wrap.  Step 1: Remove from shrink wrap

2. RE-learn how to live on a budget - This is something I used to be very good at.  My parents raised me to be very aware of money and how I was spending it. I've had a job ever since I was 16, much to disliking of a certain college roomie who teased me mercilessly about my "woooooork friends"  aka "juuuuuuulie"  She didn't like sharing me.  I was always afraid of credit cards and rarely used them and always paid them off every month, with the exception of the time I charged an entire cruise for 32 girls on my dad's credit card in college :)  (hey, in my defense, they all wrote me checks to pay me back)  Anyways, somewhere between my first job and my current job, I started earning more money.  I'm usually fine every month and I always put away a bit in savings, but the point is, I could be saving a LOT more if I was just more aware of what I was spending my money on.  Debit card OUT.  Little envelopes filled with cash IN.  At least for a few months so I can see how well I can survive on this purported budget I am putting myself on.

3.  Blog more...see, I just added it!

And on a totally random note...last night I flew back to London from Dallas. I had the aisle seat and a larger man had the window seat.  He wasn't HUGE, just tall and a little bigger.  Well about 2/3 of the way through the 9 hour flight he motioned that he needed to go to the bathroom. So I stood up to let me out. When he stood up he asked if we could switch seats for the last bit of the flight, you know "to change it up a bit"  I was so thrown off guard by his question, I just said "uh, sure, yeah, of course"  in an apologetic tone as if I had been the inconsiderate one sitting in the aisle seat, my ASSIGNED seat, this whole time.  Anyways, I scooted into the window seat and he sat down in my aisle seat stretched his legs out and said "feels better already".  Seriously people, seriously. Who does that!!!!