Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This past Sunday Annie ran in her first half-marathon! I am so impressed, she finished all 13 miles in under 3 hours and get this, the most she has ever run is 6 miles and that was months ago! I am starting to worry about Kilimanjaro, if she can run 13 miles with little to no training, how am I going to keep up with her on this mountain!  I feel so unprepared!!  Speaking of unprepared...Jackie is arriving in the morning, I need to finish cleaning out her room!! Not sure if I've mentioned it on my blog yet, but I have a flatmate for the next 3 months! Jackie is Kelly's best friend from home and she is moving over to London for the next 3 months so she is going to live in my extra room.  I am SO excited to have a roommate again, I like living alone...but it gets kind of boring to be quite honest!

Annie about to cross the finish line! Gotta love that fanny pack!

Me and Annie after the race in front of the O2 Arena

1 comment:

Colby Ranae said...

yay you, and annieboo!! :) love your blog, lady!