Thursday, September 17, 2009


Here is your British vocabulary Word of the Day!  Seriously, they actually do use this term here.  I personally hate the word and think it is gross, but unfortunately, I hear it all the time...especially from screeching teenage girls on the tube. 

Verb.  snog - touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.

Last Friday it was an okay day outside...and let it be known that by okay I mean it wasn't freezing, windy or I decided after work to take a stroll down South Bank and catch the tube at Westminster the rest of the way home.  It is about a 30 minute walk and I love walking along the river, next thing I knew I had walked the entire 2 hours home.  I love walking home because I discover so many new restaurants, shops, and areas in London I never knew about. When I got to South Kensington, about 3/4 of the way home, a store front caught my can probably see why...
Anyways, I was intrigued, so I crossed over to have a closer look to see what this was...maybe a kissing booth of sorts?!!?  Alas, it was not, it was a frozen yogurt shop. Once they see you peering in through their windows you are sort of obliged to go in and order something.  So I went in and Snog was another one of those Organic, natural frozen yogurt places like Pinkberry in LA or Berri-pop in Houston.  Moriarty took us all to Berri-pop when I was in Houston a few weeks ago, and sorry Courtney...but I wasn't a huge fan.  It wasn't bad, just I think I prefer my fro-yo artificial and sugary!  Well once I was in, I had to order so I ordered the smallest size which was still huge, but only had 130 calories or something like that, so the last 30 minutes of my walk were consumed with having a Snog! Haha, sorry, couldn't help myself :)


Lindsay Wagner said...

I agree with not liking berri pop...John likes it but I think it is gross! Cute storefront for snog, though! And also you need to befriend Lindsay stout on facebook so you guys can exchange information since she just moved over there. I know she wants to get in touch with you! Lindsay gall stout...she is one of my friends if that helps you in looking her up! Let me know when you contact her!

Courtney Squillante said...

hahaha No offense taken on Berripop! It is one my favorite things in the world, but it's definitely NOT for everyone... In any case, I LOOOOVE the store name! How funny! :)