Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I've been bad, very bad!

Ok, so I know I said last weekend was my favorite London weekend...but this one might have been better, but in a different way! Last weekend was a fun party weekend...fun to have one like that every once in a while. But this weekend was one I could love to have every weekend...with a few minor changes! Most of you know my affinity for museums and I went to three, count them, three...this weekend! Mostly this was due my extreme case of procrastination and that two of the exhibits I wanted to see were ending this Sunday, there by forcing me into fast action. So Saturday I went to the Tate Modern to see the Rothko exhibit. Rothko falls into the abstract expressionism category which I know many people just don't "get". Now I'm not saying I "get" it either, it's not like I see something that other people don't see. I just have always liked this type of art, it is about expressing an emotion and conveying a feeling. Rothko is pretty out there, none of his paintings have any figures, just colors...in foggy blocks. Some of his paintings are even the same color painted on top of each other, one matte and one glossy. All of this said, I have always loved Rothko. Maybe I just find his work aesthetically pleasing, but there is a part of me that is always in awe whenever I stand in front of one of his paintings to me it is pretty intense. The first Rothko I ever saw in person was at the MoMA in NYC and when I moved to London the Tate Modern has an entire room dedicated to a series of his paintings...the Seagram paintings. So of course I went straight away when I got here. I could have sat in that room for hours! So you can imagine my excitement at being at a whole Rothko exhibit...there were 9 rooms!

My favorite painting from the exhibit. I just think it's pretty:)

Sunday I started my day at the Natural History Museum to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit. I was so excited to go see this with my new found photography hobby. It was amazing, there were so many great shots. I think alot of photographing wildlife is skill because you have to know exactly what to do in the split second you are given the perfect shot. But a lot of it is also luck, being in the right place at the right time. After that I headed over to the National Portrait Gallery to see the Annie Leibowitz exhibit. I'm not all that familiar with her work, but I heard it was in town (thanks to Andrea's blog!) and I figured it would be worth going seeing as she has been one of the most influential photographers of our time and my aforementioned recent photography hobby. The exhibit was great, well, what I could see of it. I made the mistake of going to the last entrance of the last day of the exhibit so to say it was crowded would be the understatement of the century! When I was leaving the portrait gallery it was snowing..there were flurries but none were sticking. I went to grab a hot tea before I headed over to Brick Lane to meet Annie for a yummy curry and by the time i got there the snow was really coming down. After dinner we walked out and everything was covered in snow! I then proceeded to trek all the way back to the opposite side of town to meet Erin and a bunch of her friends at the Chicago Rib Shack for some Superbowl festivities. Do to the lovely time difference over here the game didn't even start until 11 pm over here, so I knew going into this is was going to be a late night, especially for a Sunday. Well about 3rd quarter we started to worry a little bit about how we were going to get home since the tube closed at midnight and there would probably be few cabs on the streets due to the weather. So we called all of the cab companies we knew and they basically laughed at us. Ok, on to plan 2...we'll just take a wretched night bus home...but wait, i haven't seen a bus go by in hours! Well that is because they were all pulled off of the street at midnight due to the weather. So after the game we all started trekking down the road in the direction of Erin's flat (3 miles away) and hoping for the best. We didn't get too far luckily and a lone cab, sent from God (i'm convinced!) came and got us! It was the most beautiful thing to see all of London covered in snow. Now I'm not saying I was glad to be out in the snow at 4 am on a Sunday night, but I am glad that I got to see it that way, it was pristine and untouched! Sure enough the next morning when I woke up it was disgusting and dirty and sludgy from all of the people and the cars. Luckily my late night out on a school night also coincided with the most snow London has had in 18 years (correction to my blog below!) and I got to stay home from work, woohoo!

Oh...and you must be wondering what I did that was so naughty....

and so as not to be lonely in my closet......

oops, I guess I forgot to mention my little outing to Harvey Nichols on Saturday afternoon. A girls gotta spend some of her bonus on a little something nice! At least that is what I am telling myself :)


Courtney Robertson said...

My feet are dying of jealousy!! Those patent Louboutins - ahhmazing!! I would be wearing them on carpet and then bring a red paint pen to color in the scratches on the soles :) And the Jimmy Choo's - fierce!! Love them and I am soooo jealous!! Love you!

Kelly said...

Oh no you didn't! I WANT!!!! Love the patent leather Louboutins! wow. Lovely!