Monday, February 23, 2009

Expedia Member of the Month

I should get this award, if they don't have it, they should make it and give it to me! I would wear SJP's dress to accept my award. In the past month I have booked a trip for 2 to Paris, a trip for 3 to Prague, a trip for 3 to Portugal AND a trip for 2 to Istanbul! I LOVE researching trips on the internet, so when I find them I usually end up booking them and just having people pay me not only should I get the Expedia Member of the Month award, but Mastercard should also dole out some sort of award for me as well. Needless to say I am super excited about the next 3 months! ahhhhhh, Mastercard: Priceless....

Paris with Lindsey next week!

Prague with Kelly and Desi end of March

Beach in Portugal with Melissa and Courtney in April!

Istanbul with Annie in May!


Bubbie said...

Momma says...Seriously!!!! So where are you taking me when I come in May????

lauren said...

a little place I like to call Fulham!