I just got tagged to do this in Facebook, so I thought I'd bring it to my blog too...
1. i'm a laid back, go with the flow kind of person.
2. both my mom and my dad had to jump in the pool on seperate occasions to pull me out when i was a baby. per my mom, i was a easy, go with the flow baby too but I couldn't be left alone for a minute.
3. i have a serious weakness for shoes, but not all shoes..i have very specific taste when it comes to shoes...comfort is never a factor.
4. i also have a weakness for clothes on sale, i'll buy them just b.c they are on sale and then never wear them. I always have at least a few items in my closet with the tags till on...
5. i have an irrational fear of lizards, not big lizards...just any 'ol lizard will do. especially the geckos, they smell the fear and follow me around.
6. i don't like to be the center of attention, it makes me uncomfortable.
7. i'm a horrible story teller, i always leave out details and never get the point of the story out in an eloquent fashion, i'm much better at telling stories on paper, when i have a little time to think about what i should say
8. love the beach, hate the ocean. I'll only go in up to my knees, I seriously hypervenhilate when I try to snorkel. I'd rather cut off my arm off than jump off a boat into the middle of the ocean.
9. oddly, Shark Week on the Discovery Channel is like one of my favorite things ever!
10. I love my life and am happy in all that I have done and accomplished, but for some reason I am always thinking about my next move...sometimes I wonder if I'll ever feel happy with things just the way they are.
11. i'm very indecisive...i'd rather someone just tell me where we are going to eat rather than ask me where i want to go...that could take like half and hour and usually ends up with me drawing a name out of hat!
12. i am very good with directions, i'll go somewhere once i know how to get there forever. although in london google maps on my blackberry is my best friend ever
13. i'm a beer girl, although if i get a cocktail it almost always involves bourbon with a little water and a lime
14. i don't think i'll ever be done travelling, my list keeps getting longer the more places i go
15. even though i have begun to embrace it, if i could change anything about myself physically, it would be the ability to tan (pathetic, i know!)
16. if i found a genie in a bottle one of my three wishes would be to be able to eat whatever i wanted and not gain a pound (or die of a heart attack), i swear it would be, i love food...and not the healthy kind!
17. In college i had a group of 13 girlfriends and all of our parents were happily married, still are!
18. My older sister is adopted, but she is my best friend and has never felt like anything other than just what she is, my sister.
19. my mom is the most honest, fair woman you'll ever meet. she still makes sure our christmas presents are equal, right down to the penny
20. I am an equal mix of my dad's sensibility and my mom's spirit
21. I wouldn't call myself a girly girl, but my favorite colors are purple, hot pink and turquoise...but you would never find one of those colors in my house or my wardrobe!
22. I can easily be sucked into any type of tv marathon on the weekends, and not move from the couch all day.
23. I am the biggest scaredy cat ever! Vampires, ghosts, etc...I will not watch scary movies unless forced against my will and even then I sit in the fetal position with my thumbs in my ears(for maximum coverage) and my fingers over my eyes...sometimes even in this position with my back to the tv. I slept with a nightlight for far too long and i still have to turn on the hall light and crack the door from time to time.
24. I hate rainy days and cannot sleep in thunderstorms.
25. I will have an English bulldog and his name will be Winston
If you want to participate consider yourself tagged!
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
6 days ago
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