Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back in Cheery Londontown

So since the new year began I have flown to Houston, flown to Austin, flown to Steamboat, flown back to Dallas and flown to final destination!   Yikes! So as you can imagine, I am a bit overwhelmed with all that has been going on in my life right now.  I have been back for 4 days and yet to unpack one thing from my FOUR suitcases!  It takes a lot to go away from your home for a month...which is crazy that I was gone for that long.  I'm not going to lie, I was really sad to leave and come back. Not to say that I am not excited to be back, but being home just reminded me of how much I have back home.  I forgot how much I love living in the same city as my parents, I forgot how much I love having a multitude of friends to make plans with on any given night, I forgot how much I love knowing where I am going and how to get there, I forgot how much I love chips and salsa, I forgot how much I love having so many of my friends and family be just an hours plane ride away, I forgot how much I love curling up on my parents comfy couch and watching tv all get the point! But for all of those things, I keep in mind how much fun it can be to not have all of those things and not know what is around the corner is what life is all about, at least my life, for now!

I'll try and get my life caught up here so I can start catching up on my blogging soon enough and add some pictures and stories from my month long trip back to the lonestar state!  Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and is well on there way into a stellar 2009!


Christina said...

Yay! I've missed your blogs...can't wait to read about your month in Texas/Colorado! xoxoxo

Courtney Squillante said...

eAwwww, we miss you in Texas!