Monday, September 13, 2010

Crazy Beautiful Life

Warning: This isn't a real post.  Just a filler post to let you know that one day when my life slows down I will post again.  And it will include things such as...

  • Me deciding last minute to fly to Bulgaria to train at a high altitude training camp with my boxing gym, Rocky Balboa style.  not kidding.
  • Me coming back from Bulgaria to find my flat robbed blind and all the fun that has since ensued.
  • Me having to find a new flat asap since the burgler was my upstairs neighbor
  • Me boxing a big british broad in front of 500 people in two weeks. what am i thinking
  • Me taking a last minute, 36 hour, jaunt over to Copenhagen for the weekend
I'm sure there is plenty more I have left out, but that should keep me busy for a while.  In the mean time I am spending every moment of every waking hour for the next two weeks planning all of the final details for a big work conference I am in charge of that is only a week away (gulp), training at the gym for my fight at least 4 times a week, trying to find a new flat to move to and packing my old flat.  As if I wasn't busy enough...thanks you punk 16 year old that has no respect for other people's property.

All that said, I am still keeping a smile on my face and loving my life!


Kelly said...

You always put a smile on my face and make me love your life too:)

Christina said...

Wow! I'm exhausted after reading your to-do list. Can't wait to hear about the boxing match, best of luck!

Lindsay Wagner said...

have that arrested the stupid idiot yet???

Colin said...

So you DO have a blog!