Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Anyone out there

I know I have sorely neglected the 3 people who read my blog.  I apologize. New year, new start. Right?  Getting back to blogging was one my list of new years resolutions, but I just put it on the list, right now.  There's no official deadline for resolutions is there?  Anyways, the resolutions that WERE on my list are as follows

1. Learn Spanish - I've had the full set of Spanish Rosetta Stone's sitting in my house for about, oh, 6 months.  They are still in the shrink wrap.  Step 1: Remove from shrink wrap

2. RE-learn how to live on a budget - This is something I used to be very good at.  My parents raised me to be very aware of money and how I was spending it. I've had a job ever since I was 16, much to disliking of a certain college roomie who teased me mercilessly about my "woooooork friends"  aka "juuuuuuulie"  She didn't like sharing me.  I was always afraid of credit cards and rarely used them and always paid them off every month, with the exception of the time I charged an entire cruise for 32 girls on my dad's credit card in college :)  (hey, in my defense, they all wrote me checks to pay me back)  Anyways, somewhere between my first job and my current job, I started earning more money.  I'm usually fine every month and I always put away a bit in savings, but the point is, I could be saving a LOT more if I was just more aware of what I was spending my money on.  Debit card OUT.  Little envelopes filled with cash IN.  At least for a few months so I can see how well I can survive on this purported budget I am putting myself on.

3.  Blog more...see, I just added it!

And on a totally random note...last night I flew back to London from Dallas. I had the aisle seat and a larger man had the window seat.  He wasn't HUGE, just tall and a little bigger.  Well about 2/3 of the way through the 9 hour flight he motioned that he needed to go to the bathroom. So I stood up to let me out. When he stood up he asked if we could switch seats for the last bit of the flight, you know "to change it up a bit"  I was so thrown off guard by his question, I just said "uh, sure, yeah, of course"  in an apologetic tone as if I had been the inconsiderate one sitting in the aisle seat, my ASSIGNED seat, this whole time.  Anyways, I scooted into the window seat and he sat down in my aisle seat stretched his legs out and said "feels better already".  Seriously people, seriously. Who does that!!!!


Courtney Squillante said...

Ha! I love the plane guy! And I'm still here waiting to read your blog!! Glad your back! :)

Christina said...

I guess I'm your #2 reader.

Melissa Ruffino said...

Julie was a whore! Don't judge me because I have high standards!!!

Sarah said...

Glad you are back!

I had the same thing happen on the plane. The guy had the nerve to put me (and my son) in the corner for 14 hours. Rude. But I could have said no...oh well.

Ruffino, I'm dying laughing! I miss you girls!

Anonymous said...

I read I read!!!

LindsEy H.

Kelly said...

Look, you have LOTS of readers:) It's about time you blogged:)

Emily said...

Why, hello there! Glad you're back! Totally had someone on a flight who was in the middle seat ask if I wanted to trade him so he could have my aisle...last time I checked, that was not a good trade. Weirdos.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren! I'm Laura from Italy and it's funny how I found your blog! I wanted to open a blog with the same name"CheeriosandMilk" and I gave a look if there was already and I found you:)I'll read it!Cheers

Lu said...

Hi! I'm the same Laura..I opened my blog yesterday! Now it's just written in italian, but I'll write in english too! If you like follow me at

Lu said...
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