Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Halloween Miracle

I finally recovered from the week spent on my death bed, and just in time for Halloween!  It was a true Halloween miracle!! I spent all of last week quarentined in my bedroom with a terrible sore throat and fever for 4 days straight, it was miserable!  I was so worried that I wouldn't be better in time for Halloween, I LOVED my costume that I had bought for this year and I did not want to miss my chance to wear it!  Luckily I came around on Friday with a miraculous recovery!  Ever since Britney's Circus tour this year, I knew I wanted to be a Ringmaster!! I found the Perfect costume and was so excited!! I wasn't trying to go as Britney, but so many people thought I was that I just gave in by the end of the night.  This year I had two parties to go to.  The first was at Kim and Langfords flat and was a Tube themed party...Mind the Gap!! Everyone had to come dressed as a Tube stop or a Tube line. It was really fun to see how creative everyone got!!

Christine as "Chalk Farm" Frances as "the Bakerloo line" Me as "Oxford Circus" and Kim as "Greenwich"

After the Mind the Gap party I headed into the city to a party sponsered by the Texas Exes.  It was a huge party with a bunch of Americans, so much fun!! I met up with Annie, Colby, Meg and Jackie!  Meg and Jackie are lifelong friends from Connecticut and have spent every Halloween together for as long as they can remember...aren't they cute little flappers!  It was a great Halloween, my only greivance is that I left my whip in the cab between parties..boohoo!

Meg, Me, Jackie and Annie (as Beyonce!!)

Me, Colby (as a cat) and Annie

aren't we cute!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You are soooo London with your "Mind the Gap" party and your "tube" comments:) You looked so cute!! Oh, and sorry about losing the whip:(